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2023 Jupiter Inlet District - Inlet Dredging Project

Dredge sitting afloat the water om the Jupiter Inlet, in background you can see the Jupiter Lighthouse
2023 Jupiter Inlet Dredging is underway; Photo Courtsey of James Towner, AGD

The Jupiter Inlet District dredges sediment that migrates into the inlet system from the 6.58-acre sand trap located 1,000 feet West of the inlet mouth for bypass onto beaches South of the inlet to counter erosion and to ensure safe passage per our charter.

Sand is in constant, natural motion along our coast as an ephemeral system.  Construction of inlets in the early 20th century interrupted the natural North to South flow of sand along the East coast, known as littoral drift, and increased erosion.  Sand bypass and beach renourishment projects have been proven effective in treating erosion to stabilize Florida’s coastlines and restore the natural sand transport system.  

Working with the District's engineer of record and Atlantic & Gulf Dredging & Marine, the 2023 dredging project plans to removed approximately 105,000 cubic yards of beach-quality sand for placement on a beach fill template developed by coastal engineers.  Sand is placed within a mile-long stretch of beach that runs from Jupiter Beach Park to Carlin Park and is denoted by Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) R-monuments, R 13.5 to R 19.  These R-monuments are spaced at 1,000-foot intervals along the Florida coastline.  

Projects are permitted through the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and adhere to strict environmental protocols with biological monitoring to ensure the protection of natural resources and important marine habitats, including sensitive seagrass beds.  With a high volume of sea turtle nests on area beaches, all projects are scheduled in coordination with sea turtle nesting season.  The District routinely works with the Loggerhead Marinelife Center to monitor nesting activity and to make sure nesting is not adversely impacted.  

Dredging began on April 3rd  and scheduled to  be complete by the end of the month.

For more information about the project, contact the District at or call (561) 746-2223.